Tax Calculator

To get the numbers for the tax calculator, follow these steps:

Outside Statesboro City Limits

  1. Visit
  2. Search your name or address (you can omit Road, Street, Lane, Blvd, etc.)
  3. Once your property is pulled up, click on your 2022 Property Tax Bill by clicking on “Bill #” next to 2022. On the property tax bill it tells you the “Fair Market Value” (2022 Property Value) and the total “Net Tax” (2022 Taxes Paid) – write those numbers down.
  4. Scroll back up and click the blue button “View Tax Assessment.” That will bring you to the Tax Assessor’s page for your property.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom where you see the word “VALUATION” and then look for the CURRENT VALUE = $xxx,xxx (2023 Property Value) – write that number down.

Inside Statesboro City Limits

  1. Visit
  2. Search your name or address
  3. Once your property is pulled up, click the “>” under open
  4. Write down your 2022 Gross Tax as your 2022 City Taxes Paid. THIS IS ONLY PART OF YOUR 2022 TAXES PAID. YOU WILL GET THE COUNTY TAXES IN THE NEXT PART.
  5. Visit
  6. Search your name or address (you can omit Road, Street, Lane, Blvd, etc.)
  7. Once your property is pulled up, click on your 2022 Property Tax Bill by clicking on “Bill #” next to 2022. On the property tax bill, it tells you the “Fair Market Value.” Write this value down as your 2022 Property Value.
  8. Find the total “Net Tax” – Write this down as your 2022 County Taxes Paid.
  9. Scroll back up and click the blue button “View Tax Assessment.” That will bring you to the Tax Assessor’s page for your property.
  10. Scroll down to the bottom where you see the word “VALUATION” and then look for the CURRENT VALUE = $xxx,xxx (2023 Property Value) – write that number down as 2023 Property Value.